surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness

surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness
dear lord embrace me with your blessings


Sunday, September 19, 2010

The truth and what counts

the qualities and features that made up a person
the various aspects of a person’s character that combine to make them different from other people.

There are a lot of personality theories. Do you know what personality you hold?

I rather say personality is alienated into 2;
characters that you think you have and characters that people think you have.

What is personality to you? Either one or both?

But which one counts?

Does public concern or shall I say public approval is the ultimate authority for one’s personality? Or does it have to be pure from within? Even so, when no one but you were aware of who you are people will talk.

So actually does public concern literally killing the untainted soul that you try to nurture?

Were you who you think you are?

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