surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness

surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness
dear lord embrace me with your blessings


Monday, October 8, 2012

Down Under Adventure #Epilogue - I am still here -

*wipe sweat*

At last am able to finish my entries. It has been 2 months since my trip to Australia. There are a lot of reasons why I can’t finish the posts very soon:

1.      Been busy with clinical posting
2.      The writing ‘spirit’ just won’t come
3.      Internet was slow
4.      Memories

 Now that I’ve passed my posting climax, I guess I’ve more free time to offer to my long-abandoned blog (despite the slow internet still).

In order to complete writing, I needed to go back clicking albums by albums. For 7 days trip to Aussie, let’s assume 200 pics were taken per day, and I collected at least photos from 6 cameras. Imagine how many photos there are.

I am never good with memories. I’d go tachycardic whenever I had flashback of things. Was it just me? Everytime I tried to, I can never scroll them down completely. I hate the longing feeling of something, somewhere or someone.

But I posted them all anyway. I wished I could post more pics, but sure I can’t. Too many of them! I wonder if people would still anticipate reading the posts or not. I kept telling myself that I can’t start blogging on other things unless I finished writing bout the trip. And since I’m over the busiest part of posting, why not.

For anyone out there who is still a fan of this blog, keep reading. Truth is I missed writing. I really do. Just that sometimes due to time constrain, well you know what I mean.

And I shall keep on writing.

Though I might not update often, but hey I am still here.


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