Waiting is tiring
Some things get sweeter after the waits
Some might even get bitter
We waited a lot of things in life
Just make sure whatever it is, it worth the wait…
For instances, it's a torment to wait for an-hour-class to end so you could sleep after…
Ps: Ethnic relation presentation is over, to all Kelantanese my apology if I violated your language. Oh~ tongue-twisted learning Sarawakian and Kelantanese slangs overnight.
A thousand years...
7 years ago
hahaha...i was hoping dat more kelantanese words to come out tdi~~~~ teringin nk dgr wani kecek klate~~~ :D
kalo kter...msti korang ketwa guling2.haha
rpenye ramai gk yg anticipate kte speak klantanese. huhu ;)
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