surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness

surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness
dear lord embrace me with your blessings


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ignore the equation and take moral of the story

As long as we’re named human
We all make mistakes and we all apologize
Forgiving isn’t easy but that’s another story

People do bad to you, you hate them
They apologize, you didn’t forgive
You do bad to them back instead
No matter how much you think of it
It won’t cancel each other

Do bad thing = -2
Being done bad thing to = +1
Apologize = +1
Not apologizing = -1
Forgiven/forgiving = +1
Not forgiven/not forgiving = -1

Situation 1; A do bad to B, B do bad to A

Do bad thing + being done bad to + not apologizing + not forgiven = (-2) + 1 + (-1) + (-1) = -3 (for A and B)

Situation 2; A do bad to B

Verse 1 (apologize and forgiven)
Case A
Do bad thing + apologize + forgiven = (-2) + 1 + 1 = 0 (for A)
Case B
Being done bad thing to + forgiving = 1 + 1 = 2 (for B)

Verse 2 (apologize and not forgiven)
Case A
Do bad thing + apologize + not forgiven = (-2) + 1 + (-1) = -2 (for A)
Being done bad thing to (B) + not forgiving = 1 + (-1) = 0 (for B)

Does apologize has circumstances?

Superior doesn’t have to, only the inferior
Elder doesn't have to, only the younger
Saint doesn't have to, only the bitch

You ask me, I’ll say ‘only b*st*rds think that’

Ps: my math sucks, ignore the equations

Moral of the story
1. Apologize if you made a mistake
2. Try to forgive and forget
3. Doesn't mean those who done bad to you deserve you do bad to them in return
4. Doesn't mean those who done bad to you deserve no apology from you if you do bad to them back

Pss: truth is, good and bad never cancels each other; eventhough bad is negative and good is positive, you did both, you got both; it won’t turn zero until Allah grant you mercy inshaAllah.

Psss: see, I told you to ignore the equations and take moral of the story. End of discussion
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