surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness

surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness
dear lord embrace me with your blessings


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lost and found

Me: I'm trying to dig the happiness out of me
G: what?
Me: I'm trying to dig the happiness out of me. I know it's somewhere inside, so I'll try to elicit the aura
G: for who?
Me: in the end i did it for myself

Maybe I've really found it
What I've missed for over these years
I've been looking for it
or honestly I didn't

Maybe I just let it slipped without wanting to get a hold of it

The me i was
The missing me
The me, that was once lost and now found

Guess I can smile ear-to-ear now.

I've found the old me who're in love with novels!!

ps: you guys should really check out the awesome Big Bad Wolf book fair!!

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