surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness

surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness
dear lord embrace me with your blessings


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It was then when I know

It was then when I know those

Who prefers to make only half a packet coffee at a time
Who turns extra talkative and hyperactive at 2 in the morning
Who rope-skips to stay awake
Who plays solitaire under stress
Who composes rhymes for mnemonics
Who believes consolidation for longer term memories

Who are willing to be there for me

These people are around me, always, but little that I notice them. Thanks to the exams that I do.

Alert! Results on the way!


Adibah Nasir said...

kte ade trsnarai in tht list x?

Zawani Zainudin said...

ya think? ;)

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