Berakhir sesi yang panjang.
Pelbagai ayat
yang berlegar di minda sejak petang tadi, tetapi semuanya dalam bahasa kedua.
Aku bercadang mengguna bahasa ibunda, agar entri ini lebih dramatik. Mungkin.
Persis arena
perdebatan, untuk menggambarkan sedikit sebanyak keadaan di Ibnu Sina petang
tadi. Setelah pembentangan perkara utama selesai, timbul persoalan-persoalan
yang dikemukan oleh beberapa pihak. Berhujahlah beberapa individu, meminta
justifikasi daripada pihak yang lain tentang perkara tertentu. Nak dijadikan
cerita, individu yang berhujah tadi majoriti adalah pendebat universiti.
Kebetulan mungkin. Atau mereka memang lahir dengan bakat untuk berfikir secara
kritikal dan berani bersuara secara lantang.
Sebagai salah
seorang pendebat universiti, aku juga sedikit tercabar. Tetapi sukar untuk aku membuat
analisa mengapa aku tidak bangkit untuk membidas atau sekurang-kurangnya menjawab
persoalan yang dilontarkan. Barangkali aku khuatir hujahku adalah dalam bahasa
kedua dan mungkin sukar difahami oleh majoriti dengan tepat. Atau aku sudah
lama tidak berdebat, dan skil sudah berkarat. Atau mungkin aku memang
ditakdirkan mempunyai jari-jemari yang lebih laju sambungannya dengan otak
berbanding lidah. Justeru aku lebih selesa menulis, dan menaip. Dan mungkin juga
aku bimbang pipi ini gagal untuk kekal kering jika aku memilih untuk
Anggaplah penulisan
aku kali ini sebagai coretan jalanan, sekadar menyedapkan hati sendiri. Tidak
berniat untuk memanjangkan isu.
Men Are From
Mars, Women Are From Venus. Bahan bacaan yang bagus. Sekadar selingan.
. .
. . .
. . .
. . .
I can’t do this
anymore. I kept wondering what’s the word called in malay to translate things. Let
me just continue in English.
Women are born
with extra emotion than men. That’s a fact. If emotion is a bit too overboard
and exaggerated, let’s use the word sensitive. The definition of sensitive in physics;
registering even a slight change of a condition. The more sensitive an instrument,
the smaller change it can detect. Women are sensitive, in a way that even if one
is slightly higher than another because of a new pair of shoes then we’re able
to detect it. Because we’re sensitive, even small things should be taken into
account. Who should I go shopping with, who should I eat with, who should we tell
things to.
The decision
that we made, we considered two big elements in it; professionalism and
emotion. My opinion, why should we sacrifice either when we can save both?
We can pretty
much share the working environment with everybody, the professional atmosphere.
But when it comes to the emotion, it’s almost impossible to share emotions with
everybody equally. Maybe guys don’t see the significant because guys don’t
share things as much, as frequent as girls do. We talk about EVERYTHING in case
you don’t know.
Housemanship and
clinical years are two completely different settings. We all know housemanship
is the working phase, after graduation. It’s not strange to be separated. Why choose
to separate earlier during clinical when we can still enjoy the campus life.
Talking bout
getting ourselves used to being independent, apart from the environment, it needs skills too. Up to an
individual how to polish the communication skill. And personally at this level, we surely need suitable people to offer moral and emotional support. When our emotions are good, then we're all good.
Getting to know
each other, we’re constantly doing it. But personally I think, knowing people doesn’t
mean you’ll end up close with them. We’re just fine with each other. But believe me,
there are some who’ll still feel inferior with others. I’m talking based on
One more thing,
asking a justification why we fought so much to save the emotion, it’s like
asking us why we’re born with fertilized karyotype 46XX. That’s just how we
Oh well. There you
go, just my 2 cents.
Anyway, hopefully
things are really settled.
Ps: Not to make things complicated. Just that I love
Pss: But hey, no heart feelings eh. I'm all good. Hope everyone's all good too :)
Psss: Alhamdulillah
salaam Dr Zawani
Loving your expressive prose here :) you have a flair in writing; sans doubt :) You have made a good review on that John Gray's acclaimed piece of writing hehe I agree that professionalism and emotion should not be taken lightly concurrently and we women could carry these elements in us without sacrificing each other ;)
ps: can we be friends? may i have your email, s'il vous plait?
take care wassalam
siti zulaika
Speechless jugak tadi.
Takut2 tiba-tiba lidah jadi tajam.
Lebih baik diam.
Tapi kan, walaupun ada beberapa penghujahan dari pihak kami, akhirnya, kami mengambil keputusan untuk menghormati keputusan yang korang cadangkan jugak...
So, sebenarnya, kitaorang pun byk tolak ansur secara tak sedar tadi.
*Kalaulah, girls perasan, hakikatnya kitaorang berpecah group sikit (antara punca bengang).
Tapi korang tak. Kan ?
That's why i think boys deserve a 'thank you' at least. :)
Apapun, fokus 2nd pro dulu.
Truth is, there are girls who can't get into their 'ideal' group as they wished. It's kinda impossible to try to please everyone even on our sides. We've at least shuffled it 4 times to check and balance each other's 'win' and 'loss'.
So after a lot of consideration, we've reduced loss from roughly 70% to 20%. Now the estimated ratio of win-loss is 80:20 and we decided to stick to it. The reason why we do not choose to ramdomize group like guys do is because we know we can't handle it. Not as emotionally tough as you guys maybe.
Maybe it's not publicized, but some people has personally 'sacrificed' themselves for us to be able to come out with such groups.
I can see that you guys has tolerated a lot. Yep. What a gentleman. Just that maybe yesterday's session was a bit too territory-invasive in a way that issues on private emotions were questioned.
The argument overall, after thinking bout it for quite a while, you guys got point. Concern bout the future and adaptation and personality balance and variation. But what can i say, we decided to stick to our decision.
And yes. Maybe we girls forgot to thank you guys for the tolerate. I personally, humbly thank each and everyone of you guys for at last accepting our choice.
Ahh. It must have been sweet if i'm able to thank you guys live instead of just writing it here :)
Anyway. Semoga Allah berkati setiap setiap usaha. InsyaAllah.
Ps: oh panjang. Larat ke baca? Hehe
Okeh, Alhamdulillah, puas hati.
Biasalah, kalau nak barang, kena bayar.
Nak berjaya, kena ada pengorbanan.
Tapi jangan sesekali lupa, orang berbudi, kita kena berbahasa.
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