surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness

surrounded by crowds doesn't chase away literal loneliness
dear lord embrace me with your blessings


Friday, February 12, 2010

He StiLL LovEs Me?

When hard things piled up and all I’m thinking about was taking sleeping pills so that I can stay unconscious for 68 hours straight

But I survived the hard things

When I was whining how the world sucks and started doing stupid things

But I survived the consequences

When I tried so hard but I still don’t know where I’ve done wrong

But I’m still able to get motivated over again

When I tried so hard and I got what I wanted, and tried even harder to get better only to show off

But I’m still able to stand back on the ground before getting too carried away

When I was down and depressed and felt like nobody cares about me at all

But I realized I’m still breathing another day ahead

When I suddenly feel like there’s no reason for me living in this world anymore

But I still can find the life in me again

When tears started rolling down my cheek non-stop and there’s no shoulder to lean and cry on
But I got through the epoch of tragedy

He will still listen to me
He will still give me chances
He will still forgive me

He will still accept me

Then only I’m able to get a grasp of..
How Allah still loves me..

1 comment:

Najmee said...

thumbs up for this post!

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